Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cloning examples

Is Dolly the sheep the only successful example for cloning?

The answer is NO.
Dolly the sheep is the most popular, but their are others animal that have been cloned successfully as: Tetra the monkey. It was the first mammal cloned cloned by embryo splitting. Tetra survived of four identical embryos that were implanted in four separate host mothers. "Oregon Regional Primate Research Center began by taking an egg from the mother monkey and sperm from the father monkey and then mixing them together to create a fertilized egg. Once the embryo had grown into eight cells, the scientists then divided the embryo into four identical embryos consisting of two cells each. These four embryos were then implanted into four potential monkey mothers."
If you like to know more about Tera visit the website bellow and read the article.

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